Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I can open a tatoo shop ~~ Hahaha...

Today is mostly about tatoos...
I played a game wif my lil bro and the three little princesses....
I and my lil bro both open a pretend-tatoo-shop...XDD The customers are my lil sis and my 2 cousins...
First my lil bro's customers is more than mine... ==
But after a while my "business" became better... YAy!!!!
HAhaah... These is some pictures of the tatoos i draw on the "customer's" leg and hand and even shoulders... lol... Wif my marker pen... Very fun!!! HAhaha....

Tatoos are nice.... But professionals' one are betta... Hahaha... So... HOw's my drawing... lol...
Hideous...? Ok...? Lol... Maybe i can open a tatoo shop in future?
Hahahaaha... Dunno lah...^^

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