Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Best Wishes

Super short post this time coz i am tired :)
Just back from caroline marhhhh =="

Tomorrow, actually today HAHA coz its already 12.26am LAME
yea today, hours after this would be a day ,
a BIG day for all PMR-ers

They studied,
They prepared,
They went in the classroom,
They did the exam,
They have to face the results~~


*****To all pmr-ers,
especially the ones in youth ( my brother, charissa, hui qing and jasmyn )
sorry if i left out any names LOLLL
Best wishes from Jaslyn here!!!

Have Faith

Stay strong in faith and NOTHING will go wrong~ xDD


Gosh i am so nervous now,
imagining i will be the one having sleeping problems
due to the over-worrying abt PMR results next year~
LOL!!!! for now just study larhhhh! ==""

Will update abt caroline as soon as i take the pics from the camera :DD
Trust in the Lord peeps!
Merry advanced 2 days christmas :)

Chiaoz peeps :)

-xoxo, Jaslyn -

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